Current MRRF grant opportunity for members of our Partner organisations
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The Australian Government has announced a substantial expansion of the Rapid Applied Research Translation (RART) Initiative Round 3, offering grants totalling $55 million over three years.
For the 2021-2022 round, $11 million is allocated to Stream 1: Organisations based in urban areas (any area according to the Monash Modified Model Locator) for which Luminesce Alliance application is eligible. Luminesce Alliance will be managing expressions of interest (EoI) for this grant opportunity on behalf of our Partners.
For more information on the Luminesce Alliance EoI process, refer to the Luminesce Alliance Guidelines here. Further details regarding the MRFF RART Guide Guidelines can be found here.
Only projects with a focus in paediatrics and in particular precision medicine/health will be considered as part of this EoI.
Submission of EoIs
- EoIs have just opened and will close Wednesday 24 February 5pm AEST.
- If you are interested in putting forward an application, please complete the Luminesce Alliance EoI Application Form, here.
- One successful application, with the support of Luminesce Alliance, will then progress to the full application for the MRFF RART Round 3 application that opens on 4 March and closes 6 May.
- Enquiries regarding the Luminesce Alliance EoI process can be directed to: