Professor Natasha Nassar

Professor Natasha Nassar is a perinatal and paediatric epidemiologist, the Financial Markets Foundation for Children Chair in Translational Childhood Medicine and NHMRC Investigator Fellow at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead (CHW) Clinical School, University of Sydney. She is also the Data Lead of the Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics and the Charles Perkins Centre Populations Domain Leader with a key role in facilitating population-based research investigating cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and other related conditions across a wide range of disciplines.
Her research takes a lifespan approach that focuses on understanding early life determinants, perinatal care and childhood conditions on long-term child health and well-being. This involves the use data linkage of clinical, registry and administrative birth, state and Commonwealth health and education datasets to establish statewide birth data cohorts that enable longitudinal follow-up of children over time. These linked data platforms have enabled the investigation of real-world clinical and policy questions of health outcomes, wellbeing, health service utilisation and costs to the health system across the lifespan.