Luminesce Alliance - Collaboration Opportunities Image

Collaboration Opportunities

Luminesce Alliance Enabling Platforms project teams work in a highly networked environment across our five partner organisations.

In addition to our partners, our current research projects include collaborations with more than 50 organisations  to source the cross-disciplinary expertise required to effectively deliver precision medicine.

Providing a highly networked cross -disciplinary environment allows our researchers to develop collaborations to access leading experts, leverage emerging technology and discover and apply new knowledge.

Our collaborations extend across a broad range of industry including, but not limited to, the government, commercial, community, not-for-profit entities listed at ‘Our Collaborations‘ further below.

Collaborate with us

Are you a researcher or clinician interested in collaborating with us to access additional services?

Explore the current opportunities below and submit your Expression of Interest:

    1. Aridhia
    2. Aust Cancer Research Foundation
    3. Australian BioCommons
    4. Australian Functional Genomics Network
    5. Australian Genomics
    6. AWS Omics (Amazon Web Services)
    7. Batten’s Disease Support & Research Association – Australia
    8. Centre for Eye Research Australia
    9. Child Unlimited
    10. Childhood Dementia Initiative
    11. CSIRO
    12. Cure Angelman
    13. Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University
    14. Epichem
    15. Epilepsy Foundation of Australia
    16. Equinix
    17. Florey Institute.
    18. Genetic Health Queensland
    19. HitGen (the company providing the DEL
    20. Hopp Children’s Cancer Center at the NCT Heidelberg (KiTZ) (Germany
    21. Li Fraumeni Association
    22. Macquarie University
    23. Microsoft Tech For Social Impact (TSI)
    24. Minderoo
    25. Monash Medical Centre
    26. Monash University
    27. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
    28. NIH/NCI USA, Clinical Genetics Branch
    29. Omico PrOSPeCT
    30. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne
    31. Pharmaceutical industry
    32. Prince Charles Hospital Brisbane
    33. Queensland Children’s Hospital Childhood Immunology Program
    34. Rare Voices Aust
    35. Rare Voices Australia
    36. Rett Australia
    37. RMIT University, Melbourne
    38. Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick
    39. SA Pathology:
    40. San Filippo Foundation
    41. Save Our Sons
    42. SMA Australia/ Advocacy Beyond Borders
    43. SPHERE
    44. Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation
    45. Texas Children’s Hospital USA, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Bone Marrow Failure Program
    46. The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) (Germany)
    47. Twist BioScience
    48. University of Queensland
    49. University of Tasmania
    50. UTS
    51. Velsera
    52. Victor Chang Institute