What we can learn from precision medicine programs

Luminesce Alliance supported a psychosocial study that explores how precision medicine is changing the roles of healthcare professionals, scientists, and research staff. This recent published paper reports on the study and the data that was collected via PRISM-Impact, a psychosocial study running alongside the PRecISion Medicine for Children with Cancer (PRISM) trial. The PRISM trial is embedded in the Zero Childhood Cancer program.

The paper reveals that although many of the 85 participants described experiencing great emotional stress, lack of formal training and unique challenges, most however expressed very positive views about the impact of precision medicine on their profession and its future potential.


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PREDICT trial – a step toward better cancer diagnosis

With funding support from Luminesce Alliance, the cancer PREDisposition In Childhood by Trio sequencing study (PREDICT), assesses the clinical benefit and utility of family-based germline Whole Genome Sequence to identify underlying cancer predisposition.

The PREDICT team recruited more than 200 patients/families in the past 3 years publishing their first protocol paper. View publication here.

More publications on various aspects of the project will soon follow.

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